Functional Training
What is functional training?
How can functional training improve my sport?
Exercises used to functionally train?
Questions are answered by exercise physiologist Pete, from his Mayfair gym in London.
What is functional training?
How can functional training improve my sport?
Exercises used to functionally train?
Questions are answered by exercise physiologist Pete, from his Mayfair gym in London.
Pete shares his methods for mental preparation during ultra-distance events.
When marathon distance running or Olympic distance triathlon no longer satisfy the hunger, ultra-distance may beckon. The first steps are physical preparation and event planning but the athlete who overlooks the mental rigors of ultra-distance will fail. It is irrelevant how physiologically prepared one is, if the mind is unprepared the body will fail.
Read on for my top 5 tips for mental preparation to help you complete your ultra-event…..
The principle of rest and recovery being central to healing is nothing new – the ancient Greeks practiced it centuries ago.
In modern sports science correct recovery benefits on improved sports performance is of great interest to athletes and recreational gym goers alike. But what actually works?
Do you know the difference between an exercise physiologist and a personal trainer? No, then read on.
It’s the same choice as this…
New Aston Martin or Ford Fiesta, both the same price, which would you choose?
Creatine supplementation, what’s it all about? Creatine has become the supplement of choice for many athletes and gym-goers but what exactly is it and what are the benefits of taking it?
How can creatine help you improve your sports performance…read more
Rollers – any benefit to a runner? Yes, we think so!
Foam rollers are useful to improve muscle flexibility and promote muscle “maintenance”. At Pete Fraser Fitness we use them regularly for client prehabilitation (preventative exercise) to help reduce the possibility of injury from tight muscles. Read more to find out how…..
You’re about to spend a lot of money, time and effort on your personal trainer investment – we’re going to give you a helping hand to make an informed choice – here’s our 4 point selection process to make your investment value for money.
Maintaining a fitness training programme is easy right? Well, it can be given the right psychological outlook and training periodization schedule. But what do you do when training motivation is low?
At Pete Fraser Fitness we provide the training motivation for clients to work out. We also try to educate them into providing their own self-motivation to train when not with us.
So how can you motivate yourself to continue your exercise plan? Follow our top 5 tips to make your exercise plan a success…
The plank is a fundamental core strengthening exercise can be done anywhere. The core is arguably the most important musculature for any athlete to keep toned and conditioned. Read on to find out how to perform them properly.
The core is arguably the most important musculature for any athlete to keep toned and conditioned
At Pete Fraser Fitness we advocate the use of body weight exercises. If done effectively this type of training brings into use many muscle groups, including the core, in a highly functional way and enhancing sport performance.