London Marathon Training

London Marathon Training

London Marathon Training

The London marathon is less than 8 weeks away and training should be going well at this point. Distances should be increasing and fitness should be improving, you should be feeling good about your running.

If you are new to distance running you may not be aware of some simple but important strategies and methods which could benefit your progression, reduce the possibility of injury and ultimately increase your race time.

Read on….


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Training Secrets Revealed By Pete Fraser-Smith, Mayfair, London

Training Secrets Revealed By Pete Fraser-Smith, Mayfair, London

 Training Secrets Revealed By Pete Fraser-Smith, Mayfair, London


  • Ever considered why other people in your gym seem to progress far more quickly than you?
  • Hit a plateau in your training and need a boost?
  • Want to gain some insight into training more seriously to compete in a sport?

We can provide you with some high quality insight into training maintenance and progression to boost your health and fitness.

Pete Fraser Fitness, Mayfair has within it’s small highly skilled team National and International level athletes. They have competed in their specialist sports over many years and are ready to provide you with their insight to help you progress your training onto the next level.

Read on to learn the secrets of champions….

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the secret to fat loss

The secret to fat loss

The secret to fat loss

Everyone wants to lose fat right? From elite athletes all the way down to the new boy in the gym.

The question is, what is the best way to train for it?

We are going to give you a golden secret and some insight into energy systems and why importantly this is the key to training smart and losing fat. 

Read on for enlightenment…

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The secret to weight loss

The secret to weight loss

The secret to weight loss


Want to lose weight? The most common goal clients usually have is weight loss. Do you want to learn the secret to weight loss?

The secret to weight loss

The world of health and fitness is littered with myths, legends and uncertainty. Methods are often as far from science as possible. People seeking to lose weight (or more correctly body fat) often do manage changes through diet and/or exercise but find the method unsustainable and pile the fat back on.

The true secret is not glitzy but it is 100% science based and if followed will guarantee success and sustainability.

The exercise physiologists at Pete Fraser Fitness, Mayfair provide you with the weight loss secret knowledge.

Bring forth the secret of weight loss


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Altitude Training

Altitude Training by Pete Fraser Fitness, Mayfair, London

Altitude Training by Pete Fraser Fitness, Mayfair, London


Millions of people travel to high altitude environments every year for pleasure, endeavour or in the case of athletes, physiological adaptation to improve their race times.

All very well for the professional athlete with time and probably funding, however, now the average serious enthusiast can get in on the action.

Accessibility to mountainous enviroments and training camps is widely available and the proliferation of hypoxia chambers in gyms is widespread.

But are hypoxia chambers creating similar environments to those in the mountains? Read on to discover….

  • What is altitude training?
  • What are the benefits?
  • How to do it?
  • Are altitude training and hypoxic chambers comparable?


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Ultra-Distance Sport - 5 Mental Preparation Methods

Ultra-Distance Sport – 5 Mental Preparation Methods

Ultra-Distance Sport – 5 Mental Preparation Methods


Pete shares his methods for mental preparation during ultra-distance events.

When marathon distance running or Olympic distance triathlon no longer satisfy the hunger, ultra-distance may beckon. The first steps are physical preparation and event planning but the athlete who overlooks the mental rigors of ultra-distance will fail. It is irrelevant how physiologically prepared one is, if the mind is unprepared the body will fail.

Read on for my top 5 tips for mental preparation to help you complete your ultra-event…..

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Recovery in Sport & Exercise - improve your performance

Recovery in Sport & Exercise – improve your performance

Recovery in Sport & Exercise – improve your performance

The principle of rest and recovery being central to healing is nothing new – the ancient Greeks practiced it centuries ago.

In modern sports science correct recovery benefits on improved sports performance is of great interest to athletes and recreational gym goers alike. But what actually works?

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