Quinoa is a nutty-flavoured wholesome grain, similar to buckwheat. It’s a good source of fibre, plant protein and minerals. It’s definitely in our recommended top foods list.
At Pete Fraser Fitness we recommend to our clients a moderate, varied and balanced diet. Quinoa is a good base alternative and has more fibre than rice and more protein than cous cous.
Try cooking quinoa in chicken or vegetable stock to make a flavoursome meal base.
Nutritional background: Low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and is a good source of dietary fibre. It is also a good source of Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Manganese.
Sport & Health: Quinoa provides a cross range of macro and micro-nutrients positive to health including energy, protein for repair, fibre for improved digestion and vitamins/minerals for metabolic reactions.
Selected nutrient content for natural, dry quinoa (100g):
Energy: 368 kcal
Macro nutrient: protein 14g, carbs 64g, dietary fibre 7g, fat total: 6.1g, sat 0.7mg, mono 1.6g, poly unsat 3.3g
Micro nutrient (daily values): Folate 25%, Iron 25%, Mag 49%, Mang 102%, Phos 46%