How to use foam rollers at Pete Fraser Fitness

Rollers – an athlete`s secret weapon

Rollers for runners

Rollers – any benefit to a runner?   Yes, we think so!

Foam rollers are useful to improve muscle flexibility and promote muscle “maintenance”. At Pete Fraser Fitness we use them regularly for client prehabilitation (preventative exercise) to help reduce the possibility of injury from tight muscles. Read more to find out how…..

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How to maintain fitness

Amateur to athlete program – fitness maintenance tips

Top fitness maintenance tips from the sports scientists at Pete Fraser Fitness

So you’ve turned your body into that of an athlete!  Don’t let all that hard earned fitness slide away? It’s important to maintain your fitness by stimulating the body using varied exercises and training patterns. Here’s our top 5 tips to maintain your physical prowess:

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Skipping fitness

Top 10 Body Weight Exercises No. 4 – Skipping


This is a CV strength – endurance exercise excellent for a range of sport specific cross training integration and for general training. At Pete Fraser Fitness we include skipping in our clients` routines to add variation to an aerobic circuit and improve calf and ankle strength.

Find out more about why skipping is in our top 10 list and how it benefits your training.

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Fitness power molecule

Myth Busters – Do humans “burn fat”? – No!

How may times do we read and hear the term “FAT BURNING” or “BURNING CALORIES”?       Possibly every day!

Has anyone actually questioned this physiological impossibility?

Pete Fraser Fitness would like to be the first in the health and fitness industry to categorically state and reveal that humans are not combustion engines and do not somehow set light to fat in order to release energy. Steam may occasionally be seen coming out of our trainers’ ears but only when we hear the words “FAT BURNING”!

Want to learn exactly what does occur in the human body when we create energy from fat, carbohydrates and protein?

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Weight lifting

Olympic Weightlifting: Functional Resistance Training

Here’s something explosive to improve your speed & power – Olympic Lifting

Most gym based resistance exercise is orientated around basic barbell, dumbbell and machine movements with limited real life application and even less for sport specific improvement. At Pete Fraser Fitness we challenge our clients with lots of exercise variation and Olympic Lifting is a useful method to build functional power into a varied training routine.

Let Pete Fraser Fitness trainer Alex Philipp show you how to perform an Olympic lift and fill you in with the benefits.

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