Sports Injury Prevention & Management

Prehabilitation | Cotswolds


To help prevent injuries, sports physiotherapists have begun to employ what they call “prehabilitation” strategies.

Prehabilitation is preventive injury risk assessment and training to prevent the problem before it happens.

Sports Injury Prevention and Management

We place great importance on injury prevention through postural improvement, re-alignment and muscular conditioning, thereby reducing the risk of injury. We call this prehabilitation and integrate this procedure into our clients’ workouts.

During your initial sessions we will assess your musculoskeletal alignment and physiological variables to decide on the most appropriate modes and intensities of exercise for you. With our support, progressing you at the correct level by increasing intensities and complexities of exercise appropriately, you will feel better, look better and boost your long-term health.

Post Injury Recovery

During sport and life, injury can arise and when it occurs Pete Fraser Fitness can provide a measured and scientific approach of managing your recovery. Our trainers have years of experience working within clinical environments. Following injury and acute care, our trainers can help you regain your strength, mobility and flexibility. During any period of rehabilitation it is important to maintain fitness and we will help you to do this by adapting training methods appropriately, eliminating strain on the injury and continuing your fitness programme in parallel with rehabilitation.

We will also work closely with physiotherapists and other medical practitioners to provide a complete package of care. With our many years of experience providing support we can also recommend professionals for consultation as necessary.

Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention



Pete is a highly skilled fitness professional who provides a great work-out environment at Coach & Horses Yard.  Most recently he has helped in my recovery from knee replacement surgery with a carefully structured rehabilitation regime.   I lead a hectic life but it’s vital to find time for exercise – and Pete’s flexible approach makes it possible.    So it’s top marks for a top team – and a great dog!   John Burns, CEO Derwent London

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